homeopathy treatment

Homoeopathy Worldwide

Homoeopathy is a treatment method practiced in many countries including India and have been discovered approximately 230 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. In the year 2001 W.H.O. reported that Homoeopathy is regulated in 43 countries. As per the research made by Homeopathy Research Institute, it has been reported that worldwide more than 200 Million people use Homoeopathy regularly. It has been also included in the national health care system of the countries like UK, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, India, Switzerland, etc.

Homoeopathy is practiced in almost all European counties and more than 100 million EU citizens use Homoeopathy in their day to day life. More than 6 million people in the US also use Homoeopathy for treating illnesses in their daily life. Since the last 25 years, we have seen a drastic improvement in homeopathy and its medicines. In India, doctors are prescribing medicines of reputed german and Indian brands like Schwabe, Reckeweg, SBL, Hapco, and many more. In India, more than 100 million people rely on Homoeopathy for their regular treatment. There are more than 200,000 registered homeopathic doctors in India, and thousands are being added every yearly.

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