
Treat Eczema-By Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treat Eczema – Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treat Eczema with homoeopathy

Eczema is an autoimmune disorder, also known as atopic dermatitis. The skin becomes dry, patchy, and rough. Also, the red itchy and bumpy rash can be visible on the skin. In most cases, allergy triggers eczema. It has been seen that commonly patients who suffer from eczema have a family history of allergy. Patients having other allergies may also develop eczema. Eczema may be either acute or chronic. It may occur abruptly or gradually and may last for a few weeks or months or years.


a.Sensitive and dry skin
b. Severe itching
c. Recurring red rashes or Inflamed red skin
d. Leathery rough patches with scaling of skin
e. Oozing, crusting, or bleeding may occur depending on the severity

It is a cycle where itching forces one to scratch leading to skin damage and a tendency to restart an itch.


The exact cause of eczema is unknown

a. Genetic tendencies as it often runs in families.
b. Environmental factors such as allergies like pollen allergies and hay fever are at their peak from March to May. Individuals and children who live in colder climates may develop it.
c. Contact with harsh soaps, detergents, metals- like nickel and copper, etc.
d. Exposure to dyes, chemicals, and cosmetics like deodorants, bleach, and regular use of synthetic clothing are also the external causes that may trigger eczema.
e. Abnormal immune system
f. Use of certain conventional medicines for a longer time.
g. Prolonged stress.

Homoeopathy Treat Eczema

Dr. Anindita’s Homeo Clinic (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata providing reliable homeopathy consultation)

Homeopathy is by far the safest and more or less a permanent solution for skin allergies like eczema. It helps in relieving you of the irritation and swelling by aiming to treat the excess histamine release, which is the root cause of the disease. It follows the unique mind and body concept and aims to address the triggers within the body that cause the disease.

There are many homoeopathy remedies available in the market to efficiently treat eczema. The medicines are prescribed depending on the cause, location, sensation, modalities, and extension of the disease. The medicines are also effective in treating deranged immunity which is the basic cause of the disease. Homeopathy is considered the safest and more or less a permanent solution for skin allergies like eczema. It also helps in relieving the patient from irritation and swelling by aiming to treat the excess histamine release, which is the root cause of the disease.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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Treat gout and pain in toe joints-By Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treat Gout and pain in toe joints – Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treat Gout and Pain in Toe Joints

It is a form of arthritis also known as an inflammation of the joints. It causes sudden, severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling in some joints.

It causes due to the increase in the level of uric acid or, rather, sodium urate in their blood rises above its ‘solubility limit’, forming crystals in the body. Such crystals accumulate to form gritty nodules called “tophi.” Such nodules can appear as lumps under the skin near joints such as the elbows and fingers, at the rim of the ears, or in the kidneys.

The large toe is most often affected, it’s called Podagra, but gout can also affect other joints in the leg– such as the knee, ankle, and foot — and less often, the hand, wrist, fingers, and elbow. The spine is rarely affected.


a. Gout is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in joints, more commonly the big toe is affected often.
b. Sometimes severe pain in the ankles, hands, wrists, knees, or feet.
c. Itching and peeling of the skin around the affected area.
d. The affected area may become red or purplish.
e. Fever.
f. Limited movement of joints.


a. Genetics.
b. Being overweight.
c. Drinking too much alcohol.
d. Eating high-purine foods.
e. Existing diseases in the body like high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, hemolytic anemia, etc.
f. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and some inherited disorders.
g. Diuretics (water pills): These are taken to ease high blood pressure, edema, and heart disease. They also decrease the amount of uric acid passed in the urine.
h. Use of medicines like Diuretics (water pills), Salicylate-containing drugs, Niacin, Cyclosporine, Levodopa, etc.

Homoeopathy Treatment

Dr. Anindita’s Homeo Clinic (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata providing reliable homeopathy consultation)

a. Homoeopathic remedies provide relief during painful attacks of joint pain and inflammation.
b. Homoeopath also helps to reduce further episodes.
c. Helps to reduce swelling and inflammation as well as aid in the healing of the joints.
d. Reduces stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints.

Homoeopathy is very effective in treating Gout and is strongly recommended.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, one of the best homeopathy clinic in Kolkata, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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Treat Keloid Scars-By Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treat Keloid Scar – Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treatment for Keloid Scars

Keloids are firm, rubbery, pathological nodules/lesions that can vary from pink to flesh-colored or red to dark brown. These are irregular in shape and tend to enlarge progressively. This can cause severe itchiness along with sharp pains, and in severe cases, it can affect the movement of the skin.


The exact causes for the formation of keloid scars are not known. However, the factors that may play the primary role are –

a. formation of multiple vesicles within the skin that contain cell debris, erythrocytes, and rarely syncytial cells may induce the formation of Keloid tissue over time.

b. surgical operations.

c. Burns.

d. Deep cut or tear in skin or flesh.

e. tattoos.

f. vaccinations.

g. injections.

h. insect bites and stings.

i. inflammation of external parts of the body caused by chickenpox, acne, folliculitis, herpes zoster, etc.

Any bacterial infection may increase the risk. Another important factor is skin tension, which could also cause the frequent appearance of keloids in different parts of our body.

Homeopathy Treatment For Keloid

Dr. Anindita’s Homeo Clinic (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata providing reliable homeopathy consultation)

Homoeopathy is most popular in treating Keloids. The treatment is focused on regaining complete health by removing all the signs and symptoms from which a patient is suffering. To do so, the patient’s current symptoms, past medical history, and family history are taken into account.

a. Homeopathic medicines help remove keloids quickly and permanently without any scarring.
b. Medicines are free from side effects. It is also very cost-effective compared to surgical or other treatment options.
c. Treatment duration Depends upon the size and duration of the presence of the Keloids.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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Treat Cardiac Ailments or Cardiological Disorders-By Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treat Cardiac Ailments – Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treatment for Cardiac Ailments or Cardiological Disorders

When your heart muscle does not pump blood properly, is commonly known as congestive heart failure. Hypertension or increased blood pressure, coronary artery disease, etc. are the common causes of Cardiological disorders as such they gradually make your heart stiff or weak to fill and pump blood properly.


a. Breath shortness
b. Weakness
c. Irregular heartbeat
d. Continuous cough or wheezing
e. Obesity
f. Nausea
g. Chest pain


a. Coronary artery disease
b. Existing other heart diseases
c. Cardiomyopathy
d. Congenital heart disease
e. Diabetes
f. High blood pressure (hypertension)
g. Arrhythmia
h. Kidney disease
i. Obesity
j. Tobacco and recreational drug use
k. Medications

Homoeopathy Treatment

Dr. Anindita’s Homeo Clinic (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata providing reliable homeopathy consultation)

There are very effective medicines in modern homoeopathy to treat cardiological diseases. Homoeopathy medicines are prescribed after the understanding of your physical and mental symptoms so that your overall health can be restored. This way homoeopathy medicines help to alleviate most of the risk factors for heart problems. The homoeopathy remedies also assist in strengthening heart muscles, giving relief from sharp pain in the chest, treating coronary insufficiency in people as well as treating cardiac muscle failure.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, the best homeopathy clinic in Kolkata, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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Treat Crohn’s disease or Inflammatory Bowl disease-By Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata)

Treatment for Crohn’s disease or Inflammatory Bowl disease

Crohn’s disease is a disease of the digestive system which is also considered an autoimmune disease. The disease usually occurs when the immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract. This is also classified as inflammatory bowel disease.

This can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Also, it can cause complications outside of the gastrointestinal tract such as skin rashes, arthritis, and inflammation of the eye. Males and females are equally affected. Smokers are three times more likely to develop Crohn’s disease.


Crohn’s disease is usually detected by these symptoms-

a. Abdominal pain
b. Weight loss
c. Fatigue
d. Diarrhea
e. High, persistent fever
f. Inflammation of eyes, skin and joints
g. Inflammation of bile ducts or liver
h. Reduced appetite
i. Mouth sores
j. Blood in the stool
k. vomiting


The exact cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown. However, the probable causes can be

a. Diet
b. Stress
c. Heredity
d. Malfunctioning immune system
e. Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
f. Smoking

Generally, allopathic treatment follows anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids that have several side effects.

Homoeopathy Treatment

Dr. Anindita’s Homeo Clinic (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata providing reliable homeopathy consultation)

Homoeopathy treatment commonly targets your immune system and helps to restore the imbalances. In homoeopathy, doctors analyze a patient’s overall health condition to choose the best remedies. Homeopathic treatment for Crohn’s disease is safe and beneficial with zero side effects since these are prepared from natural substances. Such remedies offer relief from severe abdominal pain. It also helps in treating symptoms of diarrhea in patients suffering from Crohn’s disease. Homoeopathy medicines can also help in treating chronic fatigue and poor diet.
Reports have shown that homeopathy has a success rate of over 70% in treating symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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best homeopathy treatment by Dr. Anindita Mukherjee for Vitiligi in kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore

Best treatment for Vitiligo using homoeopathy

Treatment for Vitiligo or “Sweti(Bengali)” or “Safed daag(Hindi)”

Vitiligo or “Sweti(Bengali)” or “Safed daag(Hindi)” is a condition where the skin loses its natural color by developing white or light skin-colored patches. Our skin color depends on the pigments that exist under the skin. This happens if there is a destruction of our skin pigments or there is a problem in the production of skin pigments in our body. This is an autoimmune disease.

Vitiligo can affect any parts of our skin including hair, mucocutaneous junctions like – lips, corners of the mouth, genitals, etc.

vitiligo does not cause any damage to any major organ or part of our body. Vitiligo can affect a person emotionally. As per scientific research around 50% of vitiligo sufferers show negative effects on their emotions, social life, and relationships.


Actual cause of such disease is unknown but the factors which may contribute generating such skin disease are –

a. Autoimmunity
b. Heredity
c. Hormonal factors
d. Injury or any previous skin disease
e. Chemicals or drugs

Homoeopathy Treatment

a. Homeopathy tries to treat the root cause by correcting the imbalances that occur in the immune system.
b. control the further spread of vitiligo.
c. stimulates the skin pigments melanocytes to generate melanin and hence helps to regain the normal skin color.
d. reduces the destruction of melanocytes.

Homeopathic medicines are effective, safe, and give long-lasting relief without any side effects.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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best homeopathy treatment by Dr. Anindita Mukherjee for nasal polyp in kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore

Best treatment for Nasal Polyps using homoeopathy

Treatment for nasal polyp

A nasal polyp is a round-like growth (inflamed tissue like a small cyst) within the nasal cavity, which can create health problems. The larger polyps can cause breathing difficulty, sneezing problems, losing the sense of smell, and a dampening of taste as well.


Sometimes a person may have polyp with no previous nasal problems. However, the common causes of nasal polyp are-

a. chronic or recurring sinus infections
b. asthma
c. allergic rhinitis, or hay fever
d. cystic fibrosis
e. Churg-Strauss syndrome
f. Hereditary


Common signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps include:
a. runny nose
b. Persistent stuffiness
c. Postnasal drip
d. Decreased or absent sense of smell
e. Loss of sense of taste
f. Headache
g. Teeth Pain
h. Snoring

Conventional Treatment

In conventional treatment, the doctors usually prescribe surgery, but homoeopathy remedies effectively cure the nasal polyps by reducing the size and lessening the symptoms over time.

Homoeopathy Treatment

Homoeopathy is strongly recommended to treat nasal polyps. The treatment is most effective especially when they are small in size. This helps you avoid surgery and its inherent complications. Homeopathy also minimizes the chance of recurrence.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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best homeopathy treatment by Dr. Anindita Mukherjee for cold allergy and common cold in kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore

Best treatment for cold allergy and common cold using homoeopathy

Runny nose, sore throat, and headaches are the common symptoms of cough and cold. And nasty colds and coughs can make you sick for several days and also the patient feels very uncomfortable. Sometimes people having weak immune systems may get frequent colds and coughs.

 Homoeopathy is the most trusted treatment procedure to treat cold and cough, sinusitis, cold allergy, etc. effectively by boosting our immune system.

In conventional treatment, the patients are commonly prescribed to take paracetamol, anti-allergy, antibiotics, etc. Prolonged use of such medicines may create different other side effects in your body and the conventional treatment can not guarantee to cure the recurrence of such health problem

Homoeopathy does not treat only the external symptoms but also, treats the whole myriad of associated symptoms by providing a better and permanent cure. Cold and cough could be the first symptoms of a serious underlying disease like pneumonia. So it is better to proceed with a holistic approach to treat the root cause of the problem. Also, homoeopathy is very safe to treat cold and cough issues in infants

Homeopathy medicines are prescribed after assessing the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional health. It is advisable to consult a qualified homeopathy practitioner to prescribe the right medicine for you to treat the typical cold and cough problems.


At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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Best Homoeopathy treatment for Sinus pain in Kolkata (Belgharia, Hatibagan, Barrackpore)

Treat sinus pain – Dr. Anindita Mukherjee

Treatment for Sinus Pain with Homeopathy

The air-filled hollow spaces around your nose, eyes, and cheeks are known as Sinuses. The thin mucus produced by these cavities traps harmful particles like dust, pollutants, and bacteria when the air passes through these cavities. The mucus can’t drain out of the sinuses inflamed, causing sinus infection. In such a condition the person experiences headaches. In many cases, the cavities clear up on their own within 2-3 weeks. You should consult a doctor if it takes longer to clear up and the pain stays for a longer period.

Causes of sinusitis

a. Common cold
b. Seasonal allergies
c. Sinus infection
d. Nasal Polyps can also block mucus to drain out.

Symptoms of sinusitis

a. Pain, swelling and tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead
b. Blocked nose
c. Reduced sense of smell
d. Fever
e. Bad breath
f. Toothache
g. Thick, colored mucus discharge from the nose
h. Puffy face

Conventional treatment

In conventional treatment, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or Nasal corticosteroids/ Nasal Sprays or Antihistamines to reduce inflammation and bacterial infections. But this can not prevent the recurrence. Also, such medicines have their own side effects. And prolonged use of such medicines may create other health problems too. 

For chronic sinusitis, your doctor may recommend endoscopic sinus surgery to remove polyps or bone spurs. Sometimes enlarging the sinus opening is also recommended. However, this may not prevent the body’s tendency to generate polyps.

Homoeopathy treatment

Homoeopathy could be the best alternative to treat acute sinusitis. It can treat the symptoms of sinusitis and provide relief from associated respiratory diseases and allergies. It drains the sinuses, eliminates germs, and cures the infection of its root. It cures the Inflammation and the inherent tendency to have sinusitis repeatedly. Also, it is much safer than conventional medicines.

Other precautions

a. Getting an annual flu vaccination.
b. Wash your hands often to prevent contamination.
c. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep your immune system strong.
d. Reduce stress.
e. Regular exercise.
f. Take plenty of sleep.

At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, one of the best homeopathy clinic in Kolkata, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)

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Best Homoeopathy treatment for acne / pimple in Kolkata (Belgharia, Barrackpore)

Best treatment for Acne or Pimple using homoeopathy

Sebaceous glands or oil glands are oil-secreting glands of your body. Acne or pimples are inflammatory skin diseases of the sebaceous (oil) glands. This means when oil glands become inflamed or the base of the hair follicles of those glands get infected, you get pimples. Teenagers are most prevalent to have pimples frequently as their growth hormones become very active and the oil glands in the skin produce more oil and the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. However, pimples or acne can occur at any age. These can occur on your face, neck, chest, shoulder, and back.

Types of Acne or Pimple

a. Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
b. Blackheads (open plugged pores)
c. Small red, tender bumps (papules)
d. Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips
e. Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
f. Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)

Causes of Acne / Pimple

a. Excess oil (sebum) production
b. Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells
c. Bacteria
d. Inflammation
e. Acne can worsen before periods in some girls.
f. Very warm, humid weather
g. Too much sweating
h. Use of greasy make-up

Conventional Treatment

Conventional medicines only work to treat the disease and its symptoms but not the root cause of it, so they only suppress the acne or pimples. Generally, the medicines that can reduce excessive oil production are prescribed in conventional medicines. Like topical bactericidal, antibiotics, isotretinoin, oral contraceptives (for deep cysts), antiandrogen, etc. Such medicines have their side effects and sometimes may cause birth defects for pregnant women. For extreme cases, cosmetic surgeries, phototherapy, laser treatment, etc. are also being prescribed.

Homoeopathy treatment

Homoeopathy is strongly recommended to treat acne or pimples. Homoeopathy remedies have shown good results in treating acne and pimples even in cases of Painful, pus-filled lumps or cystic lesions. Homoeopathy medicines are being prescribed considering types of acne, case analysis, medical history, physical, mental and emotional constitution, age, gender, ethnicity, and susceptibility to the disease are all very important considerations in determining the exact homeopathic remedy for you. Homoeopathy treatment is safe and capable of preventing the recurrence of acne or pimples too. As homoeopathy treats the disease at its root level without suppressing the disease, so body’s immunity gets restored to normal.

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