Homoeopathy can treat Warts effectively.
Warts are a small a grainy growth of skin due to human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than 100 types of HPV that exist, but only a few cause warts on hands. Other types of HPV are more likely to cause warts on feet and other areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Few may cause serious diseases such as cancer of the cervix.
Type of wart
a) Common warts / Plantar warts may appear on any part of the body mostly on feet, hands, neck, or face.
b) Genital and anal warts appear on the genitalia and anal region.
c) Flat Warts: This type of wart is more common in teens and children than in adults.
Warts can be of different shapes and sizes. This can be a protrusion on the skin with a rough surface, or it may be flat and smooth. Tiny blood vessels grow inside the wart to supply it with blood. In both common and plantar warts, these blood vessels may look like dark dots in the wart’s center. These are mostly painless but if the growth is on such a spot where you put pressure, like a finger or on the bottom of the foot, then it can be painful. Skin warts are widespread skin complications. It can occur to anybody at any age. Sometimes, it may vanish all alone with no treatment, yet this may not generally be the situation.
conventional treatment
The use of external medicines and surgeries are commonly followed to treat warts in conventional treatment. But the conventional treatment may produce side effects like rankling and discoloration of the skin, scarring, and severe pain. However, there is a high chance of recurrence of warts after the conventional treatment.
How homeopathy helps to treat Wart ?
Homoeopathy is an effective treatment procedure to cure Warts. Below are the points mentioning the benefits of Homoeopathy to treat warts-
a) Homoeopathy treats the actual manifestations of your moles or warts and treats the root cause for it.
b) It is a safe therapy as all the ingredients of medicines is natural.
c) Homoeopathy has no side effects.
d) You will not require any surgery for the treatment
e) You will get a long-lasting result.
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