When the bodyweight is not within the acceptable limit compared to the height, is considered as body overweight or obesity. Comparing your body weight with your height is called BMI indexing. This helps to indicate body overweight. But that could be due to lean muscles, not for the excess body fat. This can be cured completely by homoeopathy treatment.
Causes of Child Obesity
There could be different causes to develop obesity.
a. Genetic
b. Hormonal imbalance
c. Eating disorders
d. Unhealthy diet
e. Physical inactivity
As the body has to carry additional weight so the muscle and bone mass also increases for such children. They usually grow tall and look older than the other children of the same age.
Health Issues
Children having obesity may develop serious health diseases like
a. asthma,
b. sleeping disorders,
c. Hypertension
d. cholesterol
e. heart disease
f. Risk of developing joint problems like arthritis.
g. The children may develop mental and emotional stress too.
Conventional Treatment
The conventional treatment procedures try to slow the process of gaining weight as the child adds inches in height through a weight-maintenance program, causing the BMI to drop over time into the acceptable range. But for children of ages 6-11 who are excessively overweight are encouraged to modify eating habits too for gradual weight loss.
Sometimes the doctors may suggest weight-loss surgery to reduce weight in case the child has severe obesity problems and are unable to reduce weight through lifestyle changes. However, there could be potential risks and long-term complications too for having any kind of surgery.
Homoeopathy Treatment:
Homoeopathy has a holistic approach to getting rid of obesity. Homoeopathy helps to regain health by removing all the signs and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. There are medicines in homoeopathy that helps in reducing body fat. Homoepathy also helps in increasing the body’s metabolism. It is safe and does not create future complications as the child grows up. However, the homoepathy doctors also help to provide guidelines to improve the child’s lifestyle, eating habits, temperament, or mental stress as taking medicines is not the permanent solution for obesity, and a person can get rid of it only if overall health is restored by following good habits and having a healthy diet.
Physical Activity and Diet
a. Fruits and vegetables should be prioritized first in the child’s daily diet instead of processed food, cookies, fast foods, etc.
b. Limit sweetened products or beverages.
c. The child should be emphasized on having more activity rather than sitting idle in front of computers or tv sets for several hours. The activity does not have to be a structured exercise plan but yes he should be doing outside activities like playing outdoor games like cricket, football, hide-and-seek, tag or jump rope, etc. to burn calories and improve fitness both mentally and physically. In case your child is fond of reading books then you may go to the nearest library by walk or bicycle.
At Anindita’s Homeoclinic, one of the best homeopathy clinic in Kolkata, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)
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